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WordPress on Windows 2016 Server with IIS 10
When installing, or moving a wordpress site onto windows server 2016 you need to ensure that you have the following feature enabled; CGI This can be found [...]
Some ES2015 scratches
Just popping it here as a bookmark const d=document; const t=(txt)=>d.createTextNode(txt); const cr=(d,el)=>d.createElement(el); const [...]
Application request routing for Hugo on IIS
Dynamic websites are great, just install a database and some scripts and deliver a multitude of magical pages to your visitors, including realtime data [...] Core 2 RESTful API on Cloud9
Continuing from the previous post, lets develop a simple WebAPI REST app, running on cloud9. So, create a new dotnet app to return the weather dotnet new [...]
[Update] .Net Core 2 on Cloud9
Its been over a year since my last post, and since then dotnetcore has gone to version 2.0, and amazon has expanded the reach of cloud9 to be its defacto [...]
Super functions are delicious, just you let me show ya
With the advent of the cloud function it looks like we’re coming towards a new era in web development, where the front end comes totally detached and [...]
ASP.Net Core on Cloud9
This is going to be the first of a series of .Net Core posts, seeing as they’ve started to stabilise with all the name things and things.. With [...]
Using Visual Studio Code to develop cross platform mobile applications using Apache Cordova
Well, the Microsoft OpenSourceSoftware love-in continues with the latest release from the tools team of TACO for Visual Studio Code. What this means is [...]
stylised computer terminal
Setup SSH on a home linux server for remote Node development
Hello again, today I’m going to run through whats required to get a node server running from home. This may seem like an odd thing to do, but if you [...]
Entity Framework – When to use what
In Entity Framework there are three ways of utilising the ORM, one enables you to get straight into coding (code-first), one enables you to rip a database [...]