

All the HttpClients (ish)
Http clients are the basis for web development, here is a compilation of web clients
React Native, JDK 13, Grade and Jettifier
Dateline: 2020-01-18 If you have attempted to start a project from the facebook dev site for react native ( [...]
Windows Development Package Management
Chocolatey is a third party package manager for windows. Basically, its an extended version of nuget. It becomes extremely handy when you want to spin up a [...]
[Update] .Net Core 2 on Cloud9
Its been over a year since my last post, and since then dotnetcore has gone to version 2.0, and amazon has expanded the reach of cloud9 to be its defacto [...]
Super functions are delicious, just you let me show ya
With the advent of the cloud function it looks like we’re coming towards a new era in web development, where the front end comes totally detached and [...]
stylised computer terminal
Setup SSH on a home linux server for remote Node development
Hello again, today I’m going to run through whats required to get a node server running from home. This may seem like an odd thing to do, but if you [...]
Quick N Dirty : Using Git BASH in Webstorm (MS Windows)
Whether you are having problems with nodejs running on windows terminal in Webstorm, or are just comfortable with Git BASH, there is a way of replacing the [...]
Retrieving records from Apache Cassandra using NodeJS v0.10.35 and ExpressJS v4.0 via a REST interface
The adventures in Cassandra continue, and following on from the last post I’m going to show how to set up a REST interface to retrieve records from [...]