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robot scanning text
OCR reading with Python
The Google Tesseract project is an OCR application and library created as part of their digitising effort to perform optical character reading. A Windows [...]
robot with green eye
Rusty Vim
Following on from my previous post about getting a simple hello world with Zig, I’ve decided to pile on the shenanigans by installing Rust and [...]
A zig eating a python
Zig a Zig Ah?
There’s a bit of the old and proverbial buzz going around zig at the moment and after watching Loris Cro make the case for ZIG as a Multi-OS build [...]
All the HttpClients (ish)
Http clients are the basis for web development, here is a compilation of web clients
C# Semaphore Cheat Sheet
Here is a semaphore in action, used to throttle calls to a httpclient.
C# Synchronisation Cheat Sheet
The many forms of thread synchronisation with basic examples showing reset events, mutex and semaphore (semafore).
AZ-204 Completed
Just completed this one, and there was a lot more devops in there, showing where microsoft is going strategically. This covered Implementing cloud [...]
AZ-900 Certificate Completed
A bit late this one, as it was last year! I completed the Azure Fundamentals certification, just so I have it in official Microsoft format that I know a [...]
Completed DP-100 Certification Feb 2022 It was a curious exam, with a lot more AzureML SDK questions than [...]
Pandas module not found when running dp-100 notebooks
A little annoying, but posted here as nobody else had posted.. If you’re revising for the DP-100 certification and your using the microsoft DP100 [...]