
Windows Development Package Management

18th December 2019 - c#, Development, dotnetcore, javascript, nodejs, vscode

Chocolatey is a third party package manager for windows. Basically, its an extended version of nuget. It becomes extremely handy when you want to spin up a development environment, or ensure that all your team are using the same stack.

Firstly, install chocolatey using an administrative powershell console.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’))[/dm_code_snippet]

MS Development

choco install git cmder sql-server-express sql-server-management-studio googlechrome postman sublimetext3 linqpad poshgit vscode vscode-powershell dotnetcore-sdk dotnetcore-windowshosting -y

.netcore Development

choco install git cmder googlechrome postman sublimetext3 linqpad poshgit vscode vscode-powershell dotnetcore-sdk dotnetcore-windowshosting -y[/dm_code_snippet]

JS Development

choco install git cmder googlechrome postman sublimetext3 poshgit vscode vscode-powershell nodejs-lts firefox yarn typescript -y

Android Development (Java)

choco install git cmder vscode vscode-powershell poshgit android-sdk android-studio apktool jdk8 genymotion -y

Android Development (Xamarin): Using Visual Studio HyperV Android Emulator

choco install git cmder vscode vscode-powershell poshgit android-sdk apktool jdk8 visualstudio2019community genymotion -y

You can also make your own pack, as chocolatey is an extension of nuget, create a nuspec file, and add all the required stack as dependencies.

Alternatively, distribute a package.config, and point chocolatey at it. This becomes handy for devOps business.