
Flutter gradle error after flutter run
If you get a; Could not find lint-gradle-api.jar error, then the easiest way to fix it is to go to your flutter SDK folder, [...]
Running React Apps on IIS when using routing
When you initially upload a react app to IIS, you’ll find that the routes you have created, such as will return a 404. This is [...]
Android emulator – Windows Internet issues
Often, when I am developing something on Android and come back to a windows computer I haven’t used for a while, the emulator won’t connect to [...]
.Net Standard Duplicate Attribute error when using AssemblyInfo
.Net Standard autogenerates the assembly info based on the project and solution. If you get this error when moving to .Net Standard, either delete the [...]
Upgrading M.2 disk space on a laptop boot drive
I recently bought a development laptop and its great, fast processor, great GPU, nice resolution monitor.. Then I neglected to look at the HD space. 128GB [...]
WordPress on Windows 2016 Server with IIS 10
When installing, or moving a wordpress site onto windows server 2016 you need to ensure that you have the following feature enabled; CGI This can be found [...]
Some ES2015 scratches
Just popping it here as a bookmark const d=document; const t=(txt)=>d.createTextNode(txt); const cr=(d,el)=>d.createElement(el); const [...]
Application request routing for Hugo on IIS
Dynamic websites are great, just install a database and some scripts and deliver a multitude of magical pages to your visitors, including realtime data [...] Core 2 RESTful API on Cloud9
Continuing from the previous post, lets develop a simple WebAPI REST app, running on cloud9. So, create a new dotnet app to return the weather dotnet new [...]
[Update] .Net Core 2 on Cloud9
Its been over a year since my last post, and since then dotnetcore has gone to version 2.0, and amazon has expanded the reach of cloud9 to be its defacto [...]