When you initially upload a react app to IIS, you’ll find that the routes you have created, such as website.com/story/1 will return a 404. This is [...]
.Net Standard autogenerates the assembly info based on the project and solution. If you get this error when moving to .Net Standard, either delete the [...]
I recently bought a development laptop and its great, fast processor, great GPU, nice resolution monitor.. Then I neglected to look at the HD space. 128GB [...]
When installing, or moving a wordpress site onto windows server 2016 you need to ensure that you have the following feature enabled; CGI This can be found [...]
Dynamic websites are great, just install a database and some scripts and deliver a multitude of magical pages to your visitors, including realtime data [...]
Continuing from the previous post, lets develop a simple WebAPI REST app, running on cloud9. So, create a new dotnet app to return the weather dotnet new [...]
Its been over a year since my last post, and since then dotnetcore has gone to version 2.0, and amazon has expanded the reach of cloud9 to be its defacto [...]