Whether you are having problems with nodejs running on windows terminal in Webstorm, or are just comfortable with Git BASH, there is a way of replacing the [...]
Anyone who knows my history will know that one of my strings was Flash developer. The browser wars (part 1) made me tire of the hoops and loops and [...]
The adventures in Cassandra continue, and following on from the last post I’m going to show how to set up a REST interface to retrieve records from [...]
25th January 2015
Cassandra is the current de facto standard in flat, scalable, cloud based database applications and as such usually only exists in AWS or linux clusters. Fortunately, you can install Cassandra on windows in a single node configuration. For more info on the configurations available in a distributed install, see Planet Cassandra. Previously I have worked […]
Hello again, another Quick n Dirty here, this time for wordpress (on Windows). Specifically, if you are using the JSON API for wordpress and you find that [...]
Going to be doing a few of these Quick n Dirty tutorials over the coming weeks, showcasing bite size quick how-to’s on useful web tech and IT. First [...]