

Super functions are delicious, just you let me show ya
With the advent of the cloud function it looks like we’re coming towards a new era in web development, where the front end comes totally detached and [...]
Using Visual Studio Code to develop cross platform mobile applications using Apache Cordova
Well, the Microsoft OpenSourceSoftware love-in continues with the latest release from the tools team of TACO for Visual Studio Code. What this means is [...]
stylised computer terminal
Setup SSH on a home linux server for remote Node development
Hello again, today I’m going to run through whats required to get a node server running from home. This may seem like an odd thing to do, but if you [...]
Entity Framework – When to use what
In Entity Framework there are three ways of utilising the ORM, one enables you to get straight into coding (code-first), one enables you to rip a database [...]
Coming soon to your company?
  Available from : September 2016 I’m going to update this post with my availability, so if you want to chat, give me a call. My resume and [...]
Adventures in IOT (Part 1 of n)
Well, I have been going a little IOT crazy for the last few months, and have been Hackathoning in pretty much all my spare time, so I’m going to do a [...]
Using Flash CC (13) as an asset pipeline when developing with CreateJS
Anyone who knows my history will know that one of my strings was Flash developer.  The browser wars (part 1) made me tire of the hoops and loops and [...]
Retrieving records from Apache Cassandra using NodeJS v0.10.35 and ExpressJS v4.0 via a REST interface
The adventures in Cassandra continue, and following on from the last post I’m going to show how to set up a REST interface to retrieve records from [...]
Cassandra is the current de facto standard in flat, scalable, cloud based database applications and as such usually only exists in AWS or linux clusters. Fortunately, you can install Cassandra on windows in a single node configuration. For more info on the configurations available in a distributed install, see Planet Cassandra. Previously I have worked […]